Home Investing Book Review – The Millennial Investor

Book Review – The Millennial Investor


Dev Dharira, a financial management aficionado, has been working as a fund manager for over 7 years. Having recognized the potential that investment can have, he has been handling millions in the global financial market. Owing to the pandemic, Dharira had the opportunity to rifle through a huge load of books on finances and investments. Inspired by this multitude of financial literature, he brought out one of his own: “The Millennial Investor. You are your best investment”. Investment is not limited to financial instruments.

The Millennial Investor, as the name suggests, is a guide to millennials to enter into the world of financial investment. This non-fiction book lays emphasis on the need for every person to have some form of financial knowledge which Dharira terms as ‘Financial IQ’. Although a lengthy title, it gives a dynamic idea of the book on finances and the opportunities in the sector, to the reader.

The millennial investor
Source – Instagram

We often tend to look into financial matters as something very dull and tedious and the same opinion falls on the people working in this sector. This way, we may fail to understand the value that financial intelligence holds. The book effectively manages to convey the valuable potential of financial awareness. Furthermore, it conveys how this awareness can move mountains.

Financial intelligence drives us towards financial freedom. It helps us make wise decisions that can contribute to a financially secure and valuable life, further promoting overall happiness. The knowledge to make such decisions can only be conducive if we make the effort of educating ourselves.

The curious path of finances leads us to learn about financial freedom, financial intelligence, and the importance of this in worst-case scenarios. All these questions are answered in this book, satisfying our curiosity on the concepts.

It further explains how investment is not just restricted to the resultant monetary gains. Dharira explains the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of investing in ourselves as well as our skills in order to acquire knowledge of investing through money. This knowledge is worth billions, providing us an asset even greater than money. Personal growth outweighs financial growth in the first place, but this personal growth will lead to financial growth as well.

We can then move ahead. Make use of this asset (book). Invest in the right kind of opportunities. This will drive us towards the full potential of increasing our monetary assets through investments. Dharira’s philosophy goes against the concept of money not bringing in happiness.

He justifies his philosophy by explaining the benefits of financial freedom and the ultimate gratification that could come out of this notion.
This encourages the reader to consider changing their perception of only the bad side of financial gains. Of course, there is a black sheep in every flock that could opt for unethical means to fulfill this idea, but this will lead them to take a U-turn from gratification.

Source – Author Dev Dharira

The book successfully manages to cover the COVID-19 pandemic and how it affects investments. The book offers ways that millennials can make use of their time in learning about finances, which makes the lockdown a convenient time for this.

It gives us an idea of the potentialities of free time and how it could be made use as a learning opportunity. Moreover, he has shared his take on how to improve our investment and tackle the limitations of the pandemic which collectively slowed down global economies.

Several people, having lost their jobs, found it hard to fathom the financial troubles that were expected. Being millennials, it is important to have a contingency plan in case of a similar situation. This contingency plan is absorbing all aspects of investment at an early stage and getting access to sufficient finances in case of an emergency. This could eliminate all your financial well as physical and emotional problems until you find another job or a source of income.

In the 48 pages of the book, the author focuses on individual happiness, development of the mind, enhancement of skills, and a predominant idea of the parallel world of gains and gratification.

The Millennial Investor by Dev Dharira makes use of the medium of paper and conveys an important message to the millennial generation. It combines compelling anecdotes from the experience of the author and a reasonable philosophical explanation of the rational advantages of financial intelligence.

Challenging the notion of a requirement of a fancy degree to know finances, the book is an exceptional means to understand and acquire financial intelligence and have multiple income opportunities at any given time. Overall, reading The Millennial Investor will take you a step ahead towards a future of financial security. This book is highly recommended to anyone who aspires to learn and have growth in the financial journey as a beginner in the industry.

Written by- Huda Sameer

Edited by- Vatsal Patel

The post Book Review – The Millennial Investor appeared first on The Economic Transcript.

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