Home Top News The Louisiana Purchase and the Corruption of the Jeffersonians

The Louisiana Purchase and the Corruption of the Jeffersonians


The Revolution of 1800 removed the Hamiltonians from power, and in Jefferson’s first term, America witnessed a major reduction of federal power. In his second term, however, an offer by French Emperor Napoleon to purchase the Louisiana territory would mark the fall of the Old Republicans.

In this episode, Patrick and Tho look at how dreams of conquest in Canada, Spanish Florida, Mexico, and beyond have had tragic consequences for Americans’ liberty.

Recommended Reading

“The Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson’s Constitutional Crisis that Risked Dissolving the Union” by Dave Benner — Mises.org/LP5_A

“Was Thomas Jefferson a Great President?” by Scott Trask — Mises.org/LP5_B

Cronyism: Liberty versus Power in Early America, 1607–1849 by Patrick Newman — Mises.org/LP_Crony

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