Home Top News Dr. Patrick Newman on Cronyism in America

Dr. Patrick Newman on Cronyism in America


Professor Patrick Newman, known for his incredible work editing Murray Rothbard’s The Progressive Era and Conceived in Liberty, just finished a staggering new historical work titled Cronyism: Liberty vs. Power in Early America. Newman joins the show to give us a preview of this tour de force book, which chronicles the special interests and state favoritism embedded in US society almost from the start. The Rothbardian analysis of “liberty vs. power” informs Newman’s approach throughout, and history buffs will want to get their hands on this book immediately upon release later in 2021. You will never see the American colonies, revolution, Constitution, or great men like Hamilton, Madison, and Jefferson the same way after reading this book.

Read Rothbard’s The Progressive Era at Mises.org/ProgEra

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