Home Top News John Tamny on When Politicians Panicked

John Tamny on When Politicians Panicked


Financial journalist John Tamny has written the definitive book on the disastrous political mismanagement of Covid-19—and the resulting (still unfolding) calamities. When Politicians Panicked is a superb analysis of the economic tradeoffs ignored by alarmist Covid policymakers, and a blow by blow account of their bungling in the early months of 2020. But this is also a book about economic growth, employment, markets and prosperity, with well-supported arguments written in Tamny’s clear prose. Tamny helps readers See the Unseen, namely that terrible consequences of lockdowns far exceed any danger posed by the virus.

Let’s hope the experts he skewers in this book take notice.

Mentioned in this Episode

When Politicians Panicked: The New Coronavirus, Expert Opinion, and a Tragic Lapse of Reason by John Tamny: Mises.org/Panicked


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