Paul Matzko Link taxes are a flawed policy idea under even the best of conditions, as I recently wrote in a policy analysis. Legislation like…
Editor’s Pick
Romina Boccia Romina Boccia, director of budget and entitlement policy at the Cato Institute. The House Budget Committee held a hearing on October…
Chris Edwards Is the federal government’s debt too large? Federal debt held by the public of $26 trillion amounts to almost $200,000…
Editor's Pick
Is Freedom of Expression Dangerous? No, Study Finds More Expression Helps Us Handle Conflict
David Inserra Free speech scholars and advocates have written about the general decline in freedom of expression that has occurred over the…
Neal McCluskey Last week my new Policy Analysis on public school library holdings was published. A major reason I wrote it was because it…
Colin Grabow It has become conventional wisdom among many in Washington that a once‐vaunted US manufacturing sector has become a shell of its former…
Editor's Pick
New Defending Globalization Content: Global Equality, ‘Deindustrialization,’ India’s Rise, and the ‘Race to the Bottom’
Scott Lincicome Today we’ve published three great new essays for Cato’s Defending Globalization project: Globalization and Growing Global Equality, by Chelsea Follett,…
Jeffrey A. Singer As of 2022, all 50 states and the District of Columbia allow nurse practitioners (NPs) to prescribe medications. However,…
Walter Olson Over the years I’ve appeared as a guest 82 times on everyone’s favorite podcast, Caleb Brown’s Cato Daily Podcast, discussing all…
Editor's Pick
The Inflation Reduction Act Could Turn Electricity Markets into Subsidy Clearinghouses
Travis Fisher “There’s been this move afoot in which markets have become something closer to a mechanism by which to harvest … subsidies,…