Nicholas Anthony Will the rise of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) mark the end of cash? For years, people have been…
Editor’s Pick
Alan Reynolds The Federal Reserve chairman and Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) always imagine that they can prevent recession by anticipating trouble…
Andrew Gillen Note, this post updates last month’s post. The biggest changes from last month include: the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals…
Walter Olson Here’s another roundup of short-form items on election law and policy: For all the occasional creakiness of our decentralized way…
Adam N. Michel The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) was projected to lower revenue by $1.5 trillion over ten years…
Michael Chapman Nobel laureate Milton Friedman, a libertarian and one of the most influential economists of the twentieth century, was born on…
Chris Edwards Which states are Americans moving to and which are they leaving? The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has released interstate migration…
David Inserra Social media users took to X to alert supporters of former President Donald Trump that Google appeared to be suppressing…
Daniel Raisbeck On July 26, I noted that the crucial question about Venezuela’s upcoming election was not whether Maduro would lose in…
Editor's Pick
IG Report Again Shows Need for Transparency into Government Communication with Social Media Firms
David Inserra In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision in Murthy v. Missouri, the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Inspector General (IG)…