This will be brief, appropriate to the topic at hand. It consists of a quote from Milton Friedman found in Joseph Salerno’s…
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The FDA and the Courts Fail to Truly Discipline the Pharmaceutical Industry for Exploiting the Mentally Ill
Can you imagine giving people who are already suffering from mental illness a drug that you know will make them worse? Sounds…
By all measures, the economic downturn that began in 1920 was worse than what occurred in 1930, yet the economy recovered quickly…
There is no real housing market in the US. Instead, an unholy trinity of Fannie/Freddie, the US Treasury, and the Federal Reserve…
Once again, after two decades of silence, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is cracking down on Microsoft. For what? Microsoft is accused…
Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America by John McWhorter Portfolio/Penguin, 2021, xv + 201 pp. John McWhorter is…
Ah yes, the Tea Party. Fifteen years after it was established by followers of Ron Paul, the so-called antiestablishment organization has been co-opted…
The late Douglas North was correct to assert that institutions are a determinant of long-term economic growth. However, despite his genius in…