According to many economic commentators, an effective way to generate economic growth is through the lowering of taxes. The lowering of taxes,…
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When the Nixon administration ended the dollar’s ties to gold, it was yet another sad chapter in the US government’s abuse of its…
By the start of 1948, there could no longer be any doubt: the Great Depression wasn’t coming back. Instead of collapsing at…
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Economicsby Thomas J. DiLorenzoRegnery Publishing, 2022; xx + 242 pp. Like Ludwig von Mises and Murray Rothbard,…
Lenin’s slogan, “Marxism is Almighty Because It Is True,” was displayed practically everywhere in the former Soviet Union. My first encounter with…
When the Soviet Union dominated Eastern Europe, people there looked to the West—and especially the USA—in hopes of freedom. Today, it is…
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Review: Progressive Conservatism: How Republicans Will Become America’s Natural Governing Party
Progressive Conservatism: How Republicans Will Become America’s Natural Governing Partyby F.H. BuckleyEncounter Books, 2022; 254 pp. Frank Buckley is always a thoughtful…
In a recent Bloomberg column, former New York Fed President Bill Dudley echoes a conventional Fed narrative, contrasting Fed interest rate cycles…