Secession is a four-letter word for the millions of Americans who have gone through the conventional educational pipeline that teaches them that…
Latest Business Update
Continuous change in the regulatory framework in which market players do business is a feature of modernity: while the perimeter of the state’s…
[Excerpted from book 7, Money and Man.] The name of that ardent Scotsman, John Law, is short. His career was likewise short:…
The Senate impeachment trial of former president Donald Trump confirms historian Henry Adams’s adage a century ago that politics “has always been…
Behavioral economists and psychologists define as irrational anything that doesn’t fit into a narrow model of behavior. Anything “irrational”—like buying the “wrong”…
It goes without saying that the Constitution called into existence a government with few, limited powers. That was the purpose of enumerating…
President Biden claimed during his Super Bowl interview that “all the economics show” that if the government imposes a $15 minimum wage…
Top News
Some Coloradans Want to Break Off and Join Wyoming. They Should at Least Get to Vote On It.
Last month, a group of activists in Weld County, Colorado began floating the idea that the county should leave Colorado and be…