The field of medical care is so ripe for new entrepreneurial solutions. As is always the case, solution design begins with understanding…
Latest Business Update
It never ends well: to clean up mountains of bad debts, the Chinese regime has employed debt-for-equity schemes that could leave countless…
Our largest skyscrapers exist no longer physically, but in a world of ones and zeroes. The most groundbreaking technology projects springing from…
Top News
The Virginia Elections Showed Some Parents Are Seeing How Bad the Government Schools Really Are
In the aftermath of the Virginia gubernatorial elections, armchair pundits are still offering their spin on the upset that Republican challenger Glenn…
It is that time of the year again, the streets are lit up with dazzling lights, sweet shops are getting busier, markets…
To the relief of many, the Kyle Rittenhouse trial is over and a Kenosha County, Wisconsin, jury found Rittenhouse not guilty on…
The annoyance of government edicts, no matter how petty, challenge my emotional equilibrium in a manner different from the various vagaries of…
An additional—and quick—$1 trillion spending boost in energy-intensive and material consuming industries is likely to create new problems in terms of inflation…