I have taught economics long enough that I have made use of a variety of “trick” questions in introductory courses. I have…
Latest Business Update
The Nigerian central bank uses all the same tools as other central banks. And it uses them a lot. Original Article: “How…
In a surprising development, Republican Governor Kevin Stitt has refused to implement the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate. This has placed the Governor directly…
Why Does Inequality Matter?by T.M. ScanlonOxford University Press, 2018, 170 pp. T.M. Scanlon, who taught philosophy for many years at Princeton and…
It’s raining IPOs in the country, with investors splurging on the issues of Nykaa, Zomato, Policy Bazaar, etc.The biggest of them all…
Tho Bishop, guest-hosting A Neighbor’s Choice, interviews Jonathan Newman, author of The Broken Window. Tho and Jonathan discuss the supposedly transitory aspect…
By mid 2020, it was already becoming clear that the United States was experiencing a spike in crime. Indeed, by midyear, numerous…
The Broken Constitution: Lincoln, Slavery, and the Refounding of AmericaNoah FeldmanFarrar, Straus and Giroux, 2021, 368 pp. Noah Feldman, who teaches at…