The Broken Constitution: Lincoln, Slavery, and the Refounding of AmericaNoah FeldmanFarrar, Straus and Giroux, 2021, 368 pp. Noah Feldman, who teaches at…
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Bangladesh Bangladesh has been one of the nations severely impacted by climate change in the last couple of decades. Rising sea levels…
One of the mandates of the Federal Reserve System is to attain price stability. It is held that price stability is the…
China’s industrial policy has been marked by many failures and few successes. Rather, China’s real growth has been fueled by the regime’s…
What Is Deconstruction? Unlike the more structured curriculums of high school mathematics or science, the course load and topic choice for upper-level…
In a decent society, real justice is specific and not general. In criminal matters especially, justice should be temporal and rooted in the facts of…
The labor theory of value has long undermined people’s understanding of the miracles created by markets and rationalized various incarnations of socialism…
Every company starts as an innovation. Thereafter, the unceasing challenge is to keep innovating because the market continues to change, technology continues…